FLENDER (SIEMENS) Industrial Gearbox complete with 200kW WEG motor
Type: B3 SH 9 B
Ratio: 18:1
kW: 170
Rpm: 1485
Type: WEG
kW: 200
V: 1000
Rpm: 1475
Frame: 315SM
Unit is on a s
David Brown L’Series TRA69 Industrial Gearbox complete with 220kW WEG motor.
Series: L’Series
Type: TRA 69
Ratio: 41,295:1
kW: 274/352
Rpm: 1490
Type: WEG
kW: 220
V: 525
FLENDER Industrial Gearbox with WEG Electrical Motor Power Pack
Gearbox Type: B2 SH 08 B
Ratio: 15:1
Power: 110kW
Electrical Motor: 110kW, 550v, 4-pole
Type: WEG
Frame: 280S/M
David Brown Industrial Gearbox with WEG Electrical Motor Power Pack
Gearbox Type: G1430
Ratio: 20:1
Power: 75kW
Electrical Motor: 75kW, 525v, 4-pole
Frame: 250S/M
EICKHOFF Industrial Gearbox with WEG Electrical Motor Power Pack
Gearbox Type: CKFM280
Ratio: 20:1
Power: 110kW
Electrical Motor: 110kW, 550/950v, 4-pole
Type: WEG
Frame: 280S/M